
Website Info

So you want to create a web site, that's great but I'm sure you have tons of questions. I've created this page to answer many of the questions you might have related to your web site creation.

  1. Domain Name - Choose a Domain Name (ex.unknownkreations.com), this is similar to registering your business. There is an annual charge of about $10 to maintain your domain. You will need to check if the name you want is available, to lookup if a domain name is curently registered you can check on ICANN, click here to check now.
  2. Host/ Hosting - Choose a Host/Hosting, this would be similar to renting an office or shop. It's a dedicated computer that is connected to the internet that will store your website. Your Domain Name is linked to your host computer so when someone type in your website address it knows the location of your website files. Unknown Kreations includes hosting with it's package so you'll pay for a website with hosting then at renewal it's just the hosting cost.
  3. Web Pages/ Website - This is what Unknown Kreations will be doing for you, taking your ideas and transforming them into a spectacular website. Based on your business needs it can be a one time creation or you might need periodic updates to your website and we've included that in our packages. If later you decide to have someone else update your website then we can grant access to you or anyoe with HTML knowledge to do that.

  • Yes! Unknown Kreations can help, whether your website needs a face lift or it is not mobile friendly, it can be updated without needing a new domain or changing your existing hosting.
  • Most Hosting companies allow you to create a separate login or alternate way to connect to the hosting computer to make updates therefore I will not be able to close your account or access your credit card information.
  • A common complaint is accessing a website from a tablet or mobile phone because it's not user friendly. This is where Unknown Kreations shines, all the websites are mobile friendly without a separate website just for smaller screens. They are designed to identify the screen size and adjust accordingly.

  • Glad you asked that question, the answer is very simple, it's the difference between settling for the basic templates they provide versus being able to customize your website any way you want it.
  • The key word is customize, with a free website you can customize it to say whatever you want but its still just a basic template. Unknown Kreations can combine different elements to ensure you get the webiste you really want.

  • The average cost to create a basis website is $500 withount hosting but Unknown Kreations packages are generally half that amount and includes hosting
  • Click here for Package information

  • The time-frame for your website creation depends now how quickly all required contents is provided (ex. pictures, text, style,etc.)
  • A password protected staging environment will be set-up during the creation process so you can see what your website looks like before it is published live.